Survival in the Holocaust

Well, in the Holocaust it was very hard to survive you could die at anytime.  There wasn't much food because all the Nazi soldiers took it for themselves.  If you were lucky you had some saved up or you found some food.  Most Jewish people did not have much food.  The Jews were very thin and small.  If you were in the ghetto and were doing something wrong you could get shot by a Nazi soldier.  Some say if you even looked a Soldier in the eyes he would shoot you.  Others say if you were just messing around you would get shot.  Most Jews were afraid of the soldiers, and kept there heads down when they walked.  It was hard for kids to stay with there families because in the camps, you were split up.  Some Jewish kids were lucky and the got to board the Kindertransport which takes them to a safe place where Nazi's can't harm them.